Pinan 1-5 - 2 DVD set

Pinan 1-5 - 2 DVD set

The Pinan (Peace of Mind) kata are practiced in a multitude of systems. These videos demonstrate the forms and will provide insight to how they came to be part of the Kosho curriculum. The application and bunkai of these kata are unique to Kosho Ryu.

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Pinan 1-5 - 2 DVD set
  • Pinan 1-5

    The Pinan kata were created by Itosu Anko (and others). The forms came into the Kai from Thomas S.H. Young adopting the forms from Bobby Lowe of Kyokushinkai Karate. This video gives insights and interpretation of the forms based on concepts and principles of Kosho Shorei Ryu.

  • Pinan 1-5 #2

    The Pinan kata were created by Itosu Anko (and others). The forms came into the Kai from Thomas S.H. Young adopting the forms from Bobby Lowe of Kyokushinkai Karate. This video revisits and interprets the forms based on concepts and principles of Kosho Shorei Ryu.