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Please enjoy these free videos from the Kosho Collection.
Kempo is study! The depth to which Kosho Ryu takes the study of fighting arts is due to its seven hundred and fifty years of development. The study of Kosho Ryu traditional Japanese weaponry, for instance, includes all of the aspects we observe in empty hand technique: escaping, controlling, and destructive arts are studied with respect to each weapon. Still, all of this expertise only serves to make the competent Kosho Ryu bujutsuka a man of peace, through his understanding of the mon and its philosophies.
The information is out there. It is up to you to go get it and study it. The teacher can only teach. The student must also learn. Other materials to look into are any books on the eastern view of health, acupuncture, or breathing, the I Ching, Tao Te Ching, Go Rin No Sho (the Book of 5 Rings), books on weightlifting or aerobics and the stresses on the body, books or tapes on other martial arts, especially Pa Qua, T'ai Ch'i Chuan and other ancient arts, and material on psychology.
Thank you.
Did You Know?? James Mitose
When James Mitose began his teaching in 1942, at the encouragement of the late Robert Trias, he had no idea how martial arts, and specifically Kempo, would be viewed by people in the future. If he had known, his decision to teach may have been different.
When I met James Mitose, my purpose was...
Did You Know? Nick Cerio
Did You Know Thomas SH Young
Gathering 2004
Keys to Kempo - The Octagon
Expansion of the key concepts related to the octagon.
Introduction to Kosho Ryu